Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Morning Commute

As with many people living in the suburbs of a big city, my husband commutes to work everyday. At least once a week he will complain about the traffic and let me know exactly how difficult it is to maneuver around accidents, roadwork and out-of-synch stoplights.  "You are so lucky to work from home," he will say.  "There's nothing keeping you from getting to where you need to be on time.  Nothing to stop you from getting on with your day."  Really?  

While I don't have traffic disasters to foil my morning routine, I have something just as distracting:  children.  Sure we have the normal "kid-influenced" issues such as lost backpacks and permission slips that have yet to be signed, but there are also those moments that can throw even the best of Moms for a loop.  I've been compiling a few of my morning distractions over the past couple of days and thought I would share:

1.  Dislodging pinched skin from a Nerf gun.
2.  Refereeing fight over Cubs vs. Sox when both boys put on opposing team jerseys.  
3.  Patting down daughter and confiscating cell phone, iTouch, etc. before she heads to the bus.
4.  Counting out 100 goldfish crackers for son to take to the "100 Day Celebration" at school--which he conveniently forgot to tell me about until that morning.   
5.  Chasing the dog through neighbors' yards in the rain--while wearing pajamas.

When I first started working from home I was under the impression that I could get everything together the night before, and since my kids were old enough to be somewhat self-sufficient with their morning tasks, I would find myself sitting at my desk ready to work at 8:00 AM. Nice theory, but not very practical.  Without fail, the moment I sit down at my desk in the morning I hear the beautiful bellow of a child, "Mom, I need you."  They need me to find lost shoes, to practice forgotten spelling words or to stop their sibling from chucking them with a baseball that was left rolling around on the family room floor.  They are not particularly big "needs", but they certainly interrupt the flow of the morning routine.

I guess we all have our own issues with traffic--commute or no commute.

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