Friday, July 10, 2009

Who Needs Downtime? I Do!

“I can’t believe how busy I am,” I overheard a woman say as I sat perusing magazines at a local bookstore.  “Between getting four kids to camp, my part-time job at the doctor’s office and evening baseball games and dance rehearsals, I barely have time to volunteer at church and workout every other day.  I wish I had just a little more time so I could finally take that cooking class I’ve been wanting to take.”

Wow.  While this woman was busy trying to get in a cooking class, I was using my one free weekday evening to buy as many magazines as possible so I could sit in my pajamas and catch up with everything that has been going on in the lives of Brad and Angelina, Jon and Kate and of course—most recently—the Jackson family. 

I am always impressed with the endless amount of energy and motivation that some women seem to possess, but truth be known, I enjoy my downtime—matter of fact, I need downtime in order to function on a day to day basis.   And this summer—with all of its activities and events—I am craving downtime more than ever.  So much so, that every spare moment between camps, baseball games, family visits and work projects has been spent trying to find a life with a little less action (and a lot more magazine reading—oh, and a nice glass of wine).   

Unfortunately, my blog has suffered from the “Great Search for Downtime of 2009” and I have not been updating it on a regular basis.  I know you are all just sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for the next great Minglin Family Adventure and I wanted to let you know that you will once again be treated to weekly updates of our crazy, yet joyful (OK, maybe ‘joyful’ is a little strong) suburban life. 

Thank you for being patient—I so enjoy sharing my stories with all of you and absolutely love your feedback and comments.  Hope you are all enjoying a summer of mingling on your own patios—can’t wait to bring “Patio Mingling” back to you!

1 comment:

  1. Patti,

    You know what? Downtime is critical to just simply get your energy back and simply have "me" time. I sometimes think that folks that are so heavily scheduled like the woman you described may be afraid for a little downtime.
